Consumer Action Publications

Consumer Action creates unbiased, reader-friendly educational guides on a wide range of personal finance topics and other subjects of interest to consumers. All publications are available in English, and many are available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean as well.

In addition to being available, at no charge, to individual consumers, our publications are distributed through a national network of more than 6,000 community-based organizations. Government agencies, nonprofits and other groups who wish to distribute our materials for educational purposes can use the downloadable PDF file on the publication webpage to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.



Consumer Action Housing Help Cover

Consumer Action Housing Help Foreclosure Prevention Guide.

This free resource guide is designed to help struggling homeowners at all stages in the foreclosure process. It lists a wide variety of government and private programs and websites where homeowners can learn if they are eligible for help in saving their homes.


You Can Buy a Home - PowerPoint Training Slides (English) Cover

You Can Buy a Home - PowerPoint Training Slides (English).

This PowerPoint training file is available for download in the “Download File” section.

Successful Homeownership - PowerPoint Training Slides (English) Cover

Successful Homeownership - PowerPoint Training Slides (English).

The Successful Homeownership PowerPoint training file is available for download in the “Download File” section.



Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (Korean) Cover

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (Korean).

안정적인 주택 소유를 위해 계획과 예산을 세우고 저축하는 사람들은 주택을 지속적으로 소유할 가능성과 장기적인 부동산의 가치 상승에 의한 부의 축척 가능성이 높습니다. 이 소책자는 주택소유자의 재정적 책임과 그것의 관리 요령, 부동산의 관리와 보호 요령, 그리고 홈 에퀴티를 쌓고 유지하는 요령 등을 설명하고 있습니다.

People who plan, budget and save for successful homeownership have a much better chance of keeping a roof over their heads and building wealth as property values increase over the years. This brochure covers the financial responsibilities of homeownership and how to manage them, how to maintain and protect your property, and how to build and preserve your home equity.

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (Chinese) Cover

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (Chinese).


People who plan, budget and save for successful homeownership have a much better chance of keeping a roof over their heads and building wealth as property values increase over the years. This brochure covers the financial responsibilities of homeownership and how to manage them, how to maintain and protect your property, and how to build and preserve your home equity.

Successful Homeownership - Leader’s Guide Cover

Successful Homeownership - Leader’s Guide.

Buying a home is a major achievement. But successful homeownership does not begin and end when the closing documents are signed. This Leader’s Guide provides information and background to help you teach prospective, new and established homeowners what they need to know to be successful at homeownership.

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (English) Cover

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (English).

People who plan, budget and save for successful homeownership have a much better chance of keeping a roof over their heads and building wealth as property values increase over the years. This brochure covers the financial responsibilities of homeownership and how to manage them, how to maintain and protect your property, and how to build and preserve your home equity.

You Can Buy a Home - Seminar Lesson Plan (English) Cover

You Can Buy a Home - Seminar Lesson Plan (English).

This PDF packet provides guidance for teachers and team leaders. The 22-page packet contains a detailed curriculum, classroom activities and take home worksheets.

ID Theft & Account Fraud - Prevention & Cleanup (Korean) Cover

ID Theft & Account Fraud - Prevention & Cleanup (Korean).

신분 도용범은 불법적으로 이익을 보거나 자신의 본 신분을 감추고 새 신분 아래 숨으려고 하는 사람입니다. 또한 신분 도용은 사기꾼이 타인의 신분을 이용, 사기 및 기타 범죄 행위를 할 때 발생하기도 합니다. 이소책자는 신분 도용으로부터 여러분 자신을 보호하는 요령과 신분 도용의 피해자가 됐을 때 대처하는 요령 등을 설명하고 있습니다.

An identity thief is an imposter who assumes another person’s identity in order to profit illegally or because the thief wants to hide behind a new identity. Identity theft—or ID theft—occurs when the imposter uses your personal information to commit fraud or other crimes. This publication can help you take steps to prevent ID theft, or if you are a victim, to clear up the problems created by ID theft and to lessen its impact on your life.

ID Theft & Account Fraud - Prevention & Cleanup (Spanish) Cover

ID Theft & Account Fraud - Prevention & Cleanup (Spanish).

Un ladrón de identidad es un impostor que asume la identidad de otro para obtener ganancias ilegales o porque desea ocultarse detrás de una identidad nueva. El robo de identidad ocurre cuando el impostor utiliza la información personal de usted para cometer fraude u otros delitos. Esta publicación le puede ayudar a tomar los pasos necesarios para prevenir el robo de identidad. O, si usted ya es una víctima, le asistirá en arreglar los problemas causados por el robo de la identidad, y a disminuir el impacto que éstos tienen en su vida.


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