Headline News Archive



  • Not to late to refinance home. Earlier this year, when mortgage rates dipped below 6% for the first time since 2005, homeowners rushed to refinance costlier loans. In fact, more than six out
  • Free ride for some pay-to-save energy users. Cheaters are pocketing millions of dollars a year from increasingly popular utility programs that pay consumers and businesses to conserve energy, industry officials say. Businesses
  • Why we borrow till it hurts. If the subprime mortgage mess has taught us anything, it is that we are leverage addicts. Nearly all of us are - from Northern Virginia,
  • Treasury: $100 minimum securities purchase. The Treasury Department deals in billions and even trillions of dollars, but it can think small, too. Officials announced Friday that starting next month, individuals
  • Help from HUD to simplify statement. Almost anyone who has bought a house or taken out a mortgage in recent years knows the problems: Lenders' "good-faith estimates" of loan and settlement
  • Amplían rescate inmobiliario. El gobierno federal autorizó ayer a Freddie Mac y Fannie Mae, las más grandes operadoras hipotecarias del país, a reducir sus reservas estraté
  • Temor a más fraudes hipotecarios. Expertos en el mercado de bienes raíces temen que la ayuda económica aprobada por el gobierno federal para aliviar el sector inmobiliario, aunado
  • A good name dragged down. One man went into a Glen Burnie, Md., Toyota dealership to buy a car, only to be told that a name check revealed he was
  • Ordenan cierre de seis firmas hipotecarias. La Oficina del Procurador General del estado de California clausuró ayer seis oficinas hipotecarias de la zona metropolitana de Los Ángeles, alegando que los dueñ
  • End of cheap credit hits homes, businesses. Mounting turmoil in credit markets could realign the finances of households and businesses, as banks scramble to bolster their balance sheets and jettison risky customers.
  • Más acciones correctivas del Fed. El Banco de Reserva Federal (Fed), que volvió a intervenir enérgicamente para evitar el pánico en los mercados, aprobará hoy otra bajada de
  • Easy loans are tougher to find. From the vantage point of his small Mumbai jewelry and pawnbroking shop, Raju Soni has gained a special insight into the state of India's credit
  • HUD wants costs made clear to borrowers. Mortgage lenders would be required to give better estimates of closing costs and improve disclosure of payments to mortgage brokers under rules proposed Friday by

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