Headline News Archive



  • Keeping the IRS in check. Nina E. Olson, the official appointed to speak out on behalf of U.S. taxpayers, has a few major gripes about the Internal Revenue Service.
  • Property tax reduced for Bay Area homeowners (Chinese). 【明報專訊】樓市泡沫過後,物業業主承受著房價下跌、供樓負擔上升的艱苦過渡期,灣區業主向地方估值官辦公室,申請重估物業稅求助個案驟增。上周五為重估物業估值申請截止期限,有地方估值官辦公室預測,今年有超過3萬個物業單位可獲扣減物業稅。 在經濟不景及次貸危機陰霾籠罩下,不少物業業主苦不堪言,供樓負擔令生活百上加斤,地方政府能提供的協助,最直接的相信是提供審核物業估值免費服務,倘符合資格可調低業主應繳付地稅,算是紓解燃眉之急的一途。除了與銀行商討重整貸款或債務,業主不妨向地方估值官辦公室申請調減物業稅之審核,或有助紓緩個人或家庭財務壓力。
  • "Préstamos mentirosos". En la industria hipotecaria, se les llama "préstamos mentirosos" - hipotecas aprobadas sin requerir prueba de los bienes e ingresos del solicitante. El vapuleado
  • Before you take the housing credit. Part of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 authorizes a tax credit of up to $7,500 for qualified first-time home buyers. Based on the questions
  • Think of tax credit as 15-year loan. Lots of folks have been asking me whether the much-touted first-time homebuyer tax credit is worth taking. "I'd like to see you write a follow-up
  • Mortgage insurers' losses mount. Large mortgage insurers have reported $2.6 billion in losses so far this year, sparking concerns that rising foreclosure rates could force the industry into a money
  • The next wave of mortgage defaults. Prime mortgages are starting to default at disturbingly high rates - a development that threatens to slow any potential housing recovery. The delinquency rate for
  • Los bancos restringen el crédito. Los bancos de EU están restringiendo desde abril la concesión de créditos a empresas y particulares, al tiempo que están subiendo
  • Credit card industry faces reforms. Stricter regulation of the credit card industry will probably be approved by the end of the year, consumer advocates, members of Congress and banking officials
  • Living simply provides economic shelter. Keri Rainsberger isn't rich. She works in the nonprofit world for a relatively low-profit salary. Yet, as many Americans are scrimping for every penny, she
  • Don't fall for the mortgage rip offs. A little-known provision in the Housing and Economic Recovery Act, recently signed into law by President Bush, is supposed to help home buyers understand how
  • Housing tax credit is free $7,500 loan. Anyone who has been hesitant about jumping into real estate until conditions settle down should keep in mind these dates: April 9, 2008, through June 30, 2009. They mark


  • Housing tax 'credit' is really a loan. There's been a lot of discussion about how much the new housing bill passed by Congress will help individuals facing foreclosure. Some will be able
  • Bush enacts law to ease home crisis. President Bush yesterday signed two of the most significant measures of his presidency -- one the most sweeping housing legislation in decades and the other

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