


  • Holiday sales affected by subprime crisis (Chinese). 【美聯社十日電】目前,在全國範圍內因為房價的下跌,數以千計的私房屋主無法用房子做抵押,向銀行貸款支付他們從前的花銷。另外一些則由於抵押貸款利率的調整,導致無法負擔他們房屋每個月高昂的月供,而被銀行收走房屋。
  • Dodd bill targets mortgage abuses. Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd plans to introduce legislation today to end abuses in the subprime mortgage market that have contributed to record high home foreclosures between July and August. "Too many homeowners have
  • Con el plomo no se juega. En los últimos meses se ha hablado mucho sobre los juguetes que han retirado del mercado (Mattel, específicamente) por contener plomo, y varios padres están preocupados en estos días justamente por las
  • With home in the balance. From Faith Etheridge's tidy office in Frederick [MD], you can see the national foreclosure crisis unfold. And, sometimes, you can see a particular foreclosure stopped. Etheridge works with troubled borrowers who ask for help from
  • Home buying: Up pops a higher price tag. Real estate agent Carol Temple vowed not to let her clients lose the sale. But she had to admit that the prospects looked bad: The buyers for her clients' home showed up at the closing
  • Mortgage fees rise for once-prime borrowers. Call it the credit risk hangover after the housing boom binge. Home buyers and refinancers who cannot come up with sizable down payments and whose FICO credit scores are below 680 are about to get squeezed
  • Bush plan may help up to 600,000 keep homes. President Bush's plan to slow the mortgage meltdown could help prevent hundreds of thousands of people from losing their homes, but many others would get no relief - and the plan's effect on the broader
  • Those who avoided risk call plan a raw deal. In 2005, when even the bartender on U Street talked about all his condo investments, Matthew Brown and his fiancee walked away from the local housing boom. Instead, the District couple decided to take the unfashionable
  • Bush confía en su plan hipotecario. El plan de rescate inmobiliario anunciado ayer por la Administración Bush tiene un alcance para una fracción de propietarios con hipotecas de alto riesgo que, entre otras cosas, congela por cinco años
  • Nuevo récord de embargos. Los embargos hipotecarios a nivel nacional alcanzaron un nuevo récord durante el tercer trimestre del año, y durante este período más familias se sumaron a la fila de aquellos que está
  • Subprime ARM reset agreement reached. resident Bush will announce this afternoon an agreement with major mortgage firms to freeze interest rates for five years for financially troubled homeowners - a plan advocates say will help forestall a major foreclosure crisis
  • FBI to heighten mortgage fraud probes. The FBI today will launch a mortgage fraud task force in its Washington field office, joining a widening net of state and local investigators digging into the market crisis. Investigators are seeking to uncover evidence
  • En camino la ayuda para salvar hipotecas. La ayuda que muchas familias a través de todo el país necesitan para no perder sus casas podría llegar a más tardar hoy jueves, cuando se espera que el gobierno federal
  • Credit counselors take center stage. In the middle of his speech yesterday on the administration's efforts to fix the mortgage crisis, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. paused to carefully spell out a toll-free telephone number that troubled homeowners can
  • Treasury Secretary outlines mortgage fix. Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. unveiled new details of the Bush administration's mortgage-relief plan yesterday, including a proposal that would grant new powers to local governments to refinance the mortgages of struggling homeowners. Paulson
  • Viene en camino ayuda hipotecaria. El secretario del Tesoro, Henry Paulson, dijo el lunes que estaba confiado en que pronto habrá un acuerdo para ayudar a los dueños de vivienda congelando las tasas de interés en sus hipotecas.
  • Crédito sano, casa a la vista. Con todas esas noticias pesimistas sobre el sector de los bienes raíces se podría pensar que en este momento es casi imposible obtener una hipoteca. No es el caso, pero para ello tiene
  • Foreclosure rehabbers bet on sales. MAPLE HEIGHTS, Ohio — After the unpaid mortgage bills, the creditor warnings and finally the sheriff's sale, it's sometimes left to a handy man like Adrian Brad to clean up the mess left by the nation's

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